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Why teachers need Professional Development

Educational systems globally are changing very fast. With the advancement in technology, many countries are engaging in serious educational reforms. One of the key elements in most of these reforms is the professional development of teachers; countries are finally acknowledging that teachers are not only one of the ‘variables’ that need to be changed in order to improve their education systems, but they are also the most significant change agents in these reforms.

This double role of teachers in educational reforms- being both subjects and objects of change - makes the field of teacher professional development a growing and challenging area, and one that has received major attention during the past few years.

Teacher Professional Development is a new phenomenon in the Kenyan education system. This is a means to enhancing educational effectiveness. Teachers today are under growing pressure to perform. But most new teachers are not adequately prepared to meet the needs of their students/children and many experienced teachers have yet to adapt to new standards and policies. Just like practitioners in other professions, teachers need to deepen their knowledge and improve their skills over the course of their careers. Unfortunately, the need for quality, professional development for those in the teaching profession all too often goes unmet.

Quality teachers are the single greatest determinant of children achievement. Teacher’s education, ability, and experience account for more variation in children achievement than all other factors. Knowing the subject matter, understanding how students learn, and practicing effective teaching methods translate into greater student achievement. Therefore, it is vitally important that teachers be well prepared when they begin teaching and that they continue to improve their knowledge and skills throughout their careers.

Now, more than ever, teachers are expected to demonstrate effectiveness in the classroom. As pressure for higher examination scores mounts and the country strives to comply with new educational requirements, the responsibility for raising students achievement falls ultimately on teachers.

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